Oil on vanvas
51 x 101 cm
Recently, I read a true story about a 5-year-old girl who lived alone in the Colombian jungle until the age of 10. Early on, she managed to imitate the feeding habits of capuchin monkeys, which led to her survival. After a while, the monkeys slowly developed a bond and accepted her as part of their group.
Upon returning to the human world, Marina Chapman kept a strong feeling of loyalty to animals in general.
You may look different, or you may even be from another species, but you can still easily transform your behaviour or appearance to adapt to a person or group if you want to belong to them. I would say it happens all the time, even in more common situations than a girl living with monkeys. Maybe you can find proof in your own life. Think about workplaces, or how you act with friends. Sometimes the adaptations are obvious or less than subtle, like the attempt of this timber tree.