Oil on canvas
61 x 81 cm
The naked one is the one who has lost the urge for attitude.
Most of your life, you may find it important to be neatly dressed up in public — to keep up your appearance and look like the person you so badly want to be.
But sooner or later, you will lose that layer of decor. You may manage to hold on until your last days, but at some point, thou shalt.
Sometimes it’s because you are tired of it and let it go yourself. The dressed-up ones may admire you for your courage and freedom.
Sometimes it’s because your efforts are needed to hold onto something more important, like your own life or someone else’s.
Some dressed-up ones may laugh at you or be horrified, but you don’t care because you know their time is ticking too. And, ha, some dressed-up ones haven’t even noticed that their own coat has slipped off a long time ago.
It’s nothing more than the autumn of life, revealing the naked truth and allowing you to see that same naked truth around you.