'The vain one'

Oil on canvas
101 x 61 cm

I’m sure you have one of these characters on your list of social media friends. Maybe even among your friends in real life. That friend who is overly conscious about her appearance, who checks her lipstick every 15 minutes and who rearranges her hair locks with the same frequency as breathing. Her own reflection is a continuous fascination.

By the way, it’s not always a female; there are good examples of males out there too. If a camera is around, he takes good care to ensure that at least one of his biceps is accidentally hanging around as well, with an accuracy like a second nature.

I don’t know if they are just insecure, or if they are only happy with their life when other people are applauding, or if they are genuinely convinced they have more shine to polish than their friends. Basically, they have the same set of parts as everyone else, just like the others you can see in the background of their image.